
7 Simple Steps to Deal with Migraines

By Lifeline Hospital, Health & Wellness Partner


Lifeline Hospital
Health & Wellness Partner

February 05, 2019

The worst kind of pain is the kind that just won’t go away. It just keeps throbbing and aching, reminding you of its existence. No one wants to deal with that. Migraines, a very common example of pain that for some, are just a headache but for others may feel like their head is being torn open. But, with healthy habits and simple non-medical remedies you can help prevent migraines from even happening.

Sure, you could just take some medicine, but prevention is always better than the cure. Stop letting migraines from getting the better of you by following these tips!

Keep Calm and Cool Off

As soon as you notice the first signs of a migraine, stop whatever you’re doing and find somewhere to relax. Migraines tend to be sensitive to light and sound so a dark quiet room is best. You may also apply a hot or cold compress on your head and neck. Ice packs numb pain while hot packs relax the muscles.

Fine Tune Your Body Clock

Start by establishing a routine. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, including weekends. If you take naps to keep them short, about 20-30 minutes. Get those 8 hours! Unwind at the end of the day by soaking in a warm bath, listening to music or reading a book. Avoid intense exercise, large amounts of caffeine, medications containing caffeine or other stimulants, heavy meals, smoking and drinking alcohol. Minimize distractions; close the door, keep work out of the bedroom, don’t watch television, and use a fan to muffle noises. Also, don’t force yourself to sleep. The more you try the more you will feel awake, so just do some quiet activity and naturally, drift off.

Food for Thought

Your eating habits can greatly affect your migraines so be sure to make healthy ones. Like sleeping, establish a routine where you eat around the same time every day. Do not skip any meals. That will just cause more migraines. Keep track of what you eat in a journal and note the times when you have migraines. You might find potential food triggers such as caffeine, chocolate, aged cheese, alcohol that should be limited or avoided altogether.

Work It Out

When you exercise, the body releases certain chemicals that make you feel good. Being obese will increase your risk of chronic headaches, so getting on the right track to achieving a healthy weight through diet and exercise will help you manage that migraine problem. Do any kind of exercise you like, just be sure that you get it cleared by your doctor and start slow.

Don’t Stress Out

Stress is one of the leading causes of migraines. It’s hard to avoid daily stress but you can at least try to keep it under control. Don’t make things complicated by trying to get everything done in one time. Manage your time, keep an update a to-do list and prioritize. Don’t forget to take a break once in a while with a few stretches or a quick walk. Stay positive, have fun and relax!

Track Your Migraines

By writing down about when your migraines start, what were you doing at that time, what was the last thing you ate, how long did it last, and if anything provided relief will help you manage? The best thing to do is to find out what triggers a migraine and avoid it or find an approach that can deal with them.

Seek Balance

Balancing a healthy lifestyle is the key to dealing with migraines. Family, friends, health, work etc. are all very important. Don’t be afraid to ask help from your loved ones and friends for support.


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