
Healthy Food Tips To Stay Energetic During Ramadan

By Farah Yasin, Diet & Lifestyle Specialist


Farah Yasin
Diet & Lifestyle Specialist

May 14, 2019

Ramadan is the perfect month to refocus on our health and adopt healthier diet & lifestyle habits. As fasting has been found to promote cleansing of toxins in the body, these healthier habits can help further encourage the detoxing of the body.

However, Ramadan fasting can come along with risk of dehydration, indigestion and lethargy, if not done in the appropriate manner. 

Follow these simple yet effective tips in order to keep your body energized and healthy during the Holy Month.
Value your Suhoor
Breakfast is always the most important meal of the day. Especially during Ramadan, one should never skip Suhoor. Your body relies on this meal to provide the required energy until Iftar. By having a proper Suhour, for example oatmeal and dates, you will feel more hydrated and energized throughout the day. As a result, this will help you avoid overeating for Iftar, which in turn keeps your digestion, weight and energy levels balanced.

Break your fast slowly
With long hours of fasting, one can easily indulge in overeating while breaking fast during Iftar. Excessive consumption of food may result in unhealthy weight gain and digestive issues.
By breaking your fast slowly with dates, warm water, and a bowl of soup, it makes it easier to keep those temptations in control. Allow some time gap before eating your main meal, so that you give time for your body to digest. Make sure you enjoy a balanced and rich meal with cooked grains, vegetables and a light source of protein (fish, beans, lentils, chickpeas) – this will result in an energized, rather than a lethargic you!

Make soups a staple dish
Soups are easy to make and it is very soothing for the stomach. Make soups from vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkins, spinach, zucchini, etc. They provide the body with enough fluids and vitamins. You can also add herbs. Enjoy a bowl of soup as you break your fast, or even as a snack or Suhour!

Opt for healthier method of cooking
Oily and fried foods can cause you gastrointestinal discomfort and lead to indigestion and toxin buildup. Choose dishes which are cooked with little oil, and grill or bake your foods rather than frying for healthier alternatives. Add herbs and spices to flavor your dishes, rather than using processed condiments and a large amount of salt.

Take care of your sleep
It is common for days and nights to be switched during this month, which leads to sleep cycles getting disrupted and more food to be consumed. Poor sleep contributes to weight gain and exhaustion, not only throughout Ramadan but also in the weeks following it. For this reason, it is important to be wary of the quantity and quality of hours slept. Try to be in bed by 10-11 pm on most days to allow for restful and regenerative sleep, this will help you be more energetic and efficient throughout your fast. Sleeping well will also make it easier to have your Suhour meal early morning, helping you avoid any sleep deprivation.

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